Hello, I'm Galaxy.
I'm a Game Programmer specializing in generalized front-end and back-end frame-working, AI, gameplay, UI/UX, and modular integration.
In addition to programming, I also have specializations in:
Project Management
Development Leadership
Community Management
Sound Editing
3D Modeling and Visual Effects
Event Organizing
Hiring Management
My Work
November 2024 - Present - Owner / Lead Developer
Seaside is my first full-production game. Most of the programming, as wall as all of the design and leadership is done by me. After a partnership with Twin Atlas, I was able to bring this game to a peak of over 2,600 active players only a month into development.
Bee2D is an open-source, scene-based 2D game engine built directly into Roblox. It runs by itself, is easy to manage, easy to use, and provides loads of features for creating your own two-dimensional games. It utilizes a caching render system to create a performant and optimized development environment that helps you create your 2D games without having to worry about the back end.
Some features of Bee2D include:
Fully object-oriented, with a class retrieval system that’s fast and easy to use.
Tile mapping and sprite sheet rendering built-in, as well as image-loading animation components.
A full component system. Since Bee2D utilizes game objects (Actors) like Unity, you can add what you want to them and exclude what you don’t.
Performant scene loading system that utilizes individual scene caching for quick loading and drawing assets.
Aloha is a Discord API library written in Luau using Lune. This is an attempt to make a more up-to-date form of Discordia for people who want to make Discord bots in Luau.
Current Features:
Event connection system that allows you to listen in on Discord events with ease.
A fully fledged type file for all of Discord's objects, so you don't have to check the docs!
Enums for all those pesky numbers and constants from Discord.
A secure and efficient WebSocket connection that automatically reconnects on failure.
A built-in Luau evaluator for your convenience, sandboxed and safe for anyone to use!
A janitor clone for cleaning up your connections.
Built-in rate limiting.
Shard management that scales with your bot.
Half Life: City 8
March 2023-July 2023 - Senior Gameplay Engineer
While working on City 8, I assisted in the management of the development team, whilst also pushing out weekly to bi-weekly content updates. I helped work on multiple events, character customization, shooter mechanics, and several other programming tasks.
July 2023-November 2023 - Lead Developer / Senior Gameplay Engineer
In this role, I worked full-time creating content for several gameplay updates, including an entire subclass called Bard, which featured music-based abilities and attacks. In doing so, I created an entire subsystem for attaching and utilizing instruments for the character. In addition to this, I also lead the development team, managing project updates, salary, hiring, and meetings.